Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Shopping n Gaming

If I can choose which one..
Definately Gaming,...

tapi krn ada tante gw yg liburan ke Boston..
everything changed..

Bgt gw maen n fun...
sms bunyi..

"Dit,nanti d jemput kita ke natick shopping"

in my Mind,"u crazy?I just woke up and gonna eat breakfast(baca: MAEN!!)"

but well..
since my aunt is here...
the best time to shop
coz they just know which one make me looks better

2 hari berturut2 shooping
gw eneg

hari ke 3 absen n pergi ma Nuna
setelah lama tidak bertemu
1 hari ini gw spend ma Nuna,which is temen KOrea gw yg gw pernah mention in previous post.

1 hari with her was fun
jalan sambil ngobrol
makan n nonton
n dikit2 gosip

kek arisan aja ih

as soon as this is done
Im crazy with gaming again

nda terasa
game Ratched n Clank gw tamatin ampe 2x n dapetin smua trophynya..
which is NIAT!!!

TIme to leave 2010 and say Hello to 2011

Have fun Everyone

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